Friday the 7th graders had their "Celebration of the New Year" at church. It is always awesome to watch them. My students inspire me in so many ways. Their ability to memorize scriputre is amazing. They challenge me to work on this skill that I have somewhat lost since the days of VBS (I was all about memorizing those verses to get stickers or whatever at the end of the week). But, as an adult I really kind of stink at "hiding your word in my heart" at least in the idea of memorization and not just "general themes." So, as they memorize so will I.
Besides memorization the students as sang and did an interpretive movement. I love seeing all 30 of them! The new students from Jardin de Gracias mesh so well with the Destino kids. At the beginning of the year I thought they would be separated (Jardin kids with Jardin friends and Destino with Destino friends), but Monday morning as the 7th graders got off the bus and I watched them walk into their classroom, they were integrated like they had all grown-up going to school together.
Dani left on Saturday. I am sad to see him go. We had the same strange-sense-of-humor.
But, him leaving gave us a reason to head to San Pedro Sula! So Saturday we got up early. Caught a bus (where Amanda and I insisted on sitting up front with the driver... where I awkwardly slid around on my seat for the two hour bus ride). Saw a dog get ran over. Grew more found of our driver when he got out of the bus to move the dog so it didn't keep getting hit. Said our goodbyes to Dani. Hopped in a taxi for City Mall. Shopped. Ate Quiznos. WATCHED EL REY LEON (The Lion King) IN THREE-D, IN SPANISH!!! Shopped some more. Ate Churros (my connection to the woolfest this weekend since they kind of tasted like funnel cake topped with Nutella). And then caught another taxi.
It is always amusing to me how God gives me themes or messages. And he makes me hear it over and over again until it really sinks in! My first year I was here my theme seemed to be "living a good story." I heard sermons on it read books about it and it was everywhere. Then it was the "love" them theme. Galatians 5:6 was always on my mind. The desire to just LOVE others like Jesus does. And so now I'm excited about what God will place as his next theme in my life! What will my next "life-verse" be? I know one thing he is challenging me to is encouragement. I feel like it isn't my love language, but it is so many people's that I really need to get better about it.
What is God teaching you?
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