Saturday, October 31, 2009

And I'll give give give... (thank you Relient K)

Well-- it is almost November. I've had nice Saturday afternoon. We did our weekly shopping at Del Corral, ate some street food (pupusas and pastallitas or something like that), and visited the other teachers at Destino, Nathaniel and Mallori, as they moved into their new house in town.

Please continue to pray for Destino. Financially God has been blessing Destino (and huge thanks to people in the Pendleton County area). Please pray for Rhonda as she continues following God and his will with Destino. Also remember Carlos (minister, maintenece guru), Wendy (the wife of Carlos and principal), the Honduran teachers, and us Americans. Also, the school is lacking about 50 sponsors for the students. A lot of these are my kids since they are the youngest in the school. Not only do they need the money, but Rhonda is very persistant on the idea that these kids are not being prayed for by name. So please, check out the Destino del Reino website and if you can't sponsor a child every month ($60) you can sign-up to pray for one. $60 might seem like a lot-- but God will bless you. That is what I've learned a lot about being down here. Give, give give. Give time, give money, give love, give food, give forgiveness, give grace, give mercy, etc..,

Here are some of my students that do not have Padrinos (sponsors from the United States). So, if you fell led to be a sponsor for a child in anyway contact the ministry or me.

Eneyda (pic)- Kinder, very timid. Usually silent- which I've heard isn't too uncommon at this age. Hopefully in a few months she will break through and speak English!

Ingrid- New to Destino, but to old for Kinder so she went straight to Prepatoria. She is behind because of this, but she can catch-up. My biggest concern is how often she falls asleep in class- since I can't really communicate with her I can't ask her if she is sleeping at home. I've told the principal. So hopefully things will get better.

Jasmin (pic)- Precious and beautiful! She is a tiny girl in Prepa very smart. Her English is great. If she keeps going like she is she will excel in school and be a great leader.

Javier- He has come a long way in the past few weeks. I enjoy him because he is so loving- he gives us hugs daily. He is also really funny. Everyday at lunch he walks behind me and quietly whispers in Spanish (profe, if anyone doesn't want their food I'll eat it).

Jonathan- A happy Prepa kid who is further behind then the average student. He has a lot of joy and behavior wise has come a long way.

Karen- Like Ingrid she skipped Kinder, but she is doing very well. She is a fast learner, very quiet, and polite. A joy to have in class.

Andrea (pic)- A beautiful Primero student who is an excellent student. She makes me smile when we sing songs (like Amazing Grace) because she really gets into it!

David- An awesome Primero student who has changed a lot over the month. He is really maturing fast and is a lot better behaved then in September. He struggled last yer and they thought I would have to tutor him, but as for now he is doing excellent!

Karina V- Karina misses quite a bit of school because of a family situation. She needs a lot of prayer because she is falling behind in class.

Jafeth (pic)- A great kid who learns quickly and sometimes gets bored in class (oops).

Karina N- Jasmin's older sister- very polite and loving.

Katherin (pic)- A great Primero student- very smart and kind to her classmates. Respects the teachers and a great role model for her peers.

Maryuri- Likes English a lot and is really good at a few phrases. She is loving and sweet.

Rosa- A kind Primero student. She is very sweet. Sometimes easily distracted, but very precious!
Thanks all! See you in December!

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